Applications are now open for the "Pen and Brush" contest. Artist applications are accepted until August 1. The themes of the works are scenes from the works of Tolstoy, Fet, and Turgenev. The acceptance of applications for participation in the literary and artistic contest "Pen and Brush," aimed at promoting the literary heritage of I.S. Turgenev, A.A. Fet, and L.N. Tolstoy, has started. The main goal of the "Pen and Brush" contest is to identify and support young talented artists. Russian citizens over the age of 16 can participate for free. Contestants must present works created within the last three years for the jury's evaluation. The themes of the works are the life and creativity of Tolstoy, sketches based on the works of Tolstoy, Turgenev, and Fet. Applications for the selection stage are accepted until August 1, 2024, inclusive. To participate in the contest, it is necessary to fill out an application form and send it to the contest organizing committee by email at (email subject - "Literary and Artistic Contest"). The application can also be submitted by filling out the form on the contest website. As a result of the selection stage, 30 artists will advance to the contest semifinals. From August 19 to 23, they will attend an educational and cultural program at the "War and Peace" camping site on the Nikolskoe-Vyazemskoe estate (Tula region, Chernsky district, village of Nikolskoe-Vyazemskoe). The contest finals will feature 10 authors who will be awarded certificates and gifts from the organizers. The works of the 10 finalists, created on 2x3 m panels, will be exhibited in Russian museums and galleries in the fall of 2024. The contest winner will be awarded a contract to paint a new art object on the territory of the Nikolskoe-Vyazemskoe estate. The "Pen and Brush" contest final will take place on August 24 as part of the historical and literary festival "War and Peace" at the Tolstoy family estate, Nikolskoe-Vyazemskoe. The contest regulations and detailed information are available on its official website. The contest is organized by ANO PSP "Social Development Laboratory" with the support of the L.N. Tolstoy estate-museum "Yasnaya Polyana" and the Presidential Fund for Cultural Initiatives.