Lucky residents of Moscow and visitors to the capital can personally experience what so shocked the first witnesses of Malyavin's work: the exhibition "Adepts of Red. Malyavin & Arkhipov" has opened at the Tretyakov Gallery. Let us remind you that Filipp Malyavin, a portrait artist, painter, graphic artist, and emigrant, created his own recognizable style at the intersection of modernism, impressionism, and expressionism. In a month, on October 23, the art world will celebrate the 155th anniversary of his birth. “With what can I compare the appearance of this magnificent painting <…>? Perhaps, mildly speaking, with a bomb exploding in the circular hall of the dignified Academy on Vasilievsky Island. At that time, it was an unheard-of scandal, so prolonged that I caught its echoes in St. Petersburg when I arrived there in 1900. The embarrassed academicians awarded Malyavin