After his inauguration, Vladimir Putin made his first foreign visit to China. The Kremlin released footage of Vladimir Putin's arrival in Beijing, where he was greeted by an honor guard and a red carpet. The trip will last two days - Vladimir Putin will visit Beijing, where he will meet with Chinese President Xi Jinping, and Harbin. Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping will hold bilateral negotiations today in both narrow and expanded formats, as well as converse in an informal setting. During the negotiations, the heads of state will discuss, among other things, mutual partnership and strategic interaction. The Russian President will also visit Harbin. The leaders plan to make a joint statement to the press. Vladimir Putin was accompanied by a delegation of Russian politicians and major entrepreneurs. Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping signed documents deepening partnership and strategic interaction. The statements were signed to mark the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the Russian Federation. Subsequently, ten documents will be signed in the presence of the two leaders. The Chinese leader emphasized that during the conversation, the two leaders summarized the experience gained and exchanged views on international topics. Xi Jinping pointed out that the sides follow five principles in their cooperation. The first is mutual respect. Following this principle, the sides will support the policy of non-alignment to any blocs. The second principle is achieving bilateral benefits from the interaction of our countries, deepening cooperation. The third is maintaining centuries-old cultural friendship. Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping declared 2024 and 2025 as the years of culture of China and Russia. The fourth is to promote global governance in the previously chosen direction, advancing the trends of a multipolar world. The fifth is to promote the idea of political resolution in hotspots. Xi Jinping stressed that the Cold War mentality still lives on in the 21st century.