Comment ( by the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry, M.V. Zakharova, on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the USSR's entry into UNESCO April 21 marks the 70th anniversary of the signing of the Charter of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) by the Soviet ambassador to the United Kingdom, Y.A. Malik, signifying the USSR's accession to it. Over these years, significant progress has been made in establishing the Organization as a genuinely universal platform. UNESCO has gained in our country an initiative and responsible member, playing a constructive role in the development of its general course and in defining the main directions of practical activity. Today, Russia's cooperation with the Organization encompasses all areas of its broad mandate. Despite the fact that UNESCO, like other international organizations, is subject to politicization, "double standards," and "privatization" of the Secretariat by the West, it remains a universal humanitarian forum with a broad mandate in its areas of competence, and its mission to "root in people's minds the idea of protecting peace" is more relevant than ever under current conditions. Russia's priority is to strengthen depoliticized professional dialogue in the interests of the entire global community. We see UNESCO as an important platform for developing inclusive interaction based on recognition of cultural diversity. We are committed to promoting a unifying agenda with all interested partners