will take place on May 14-15, 2024 in St. Petersburg In mid-May, leaders of the pharmaceutical market will gather in St. Petersburg to discuss the main issues affecting the development of the industry. The 31st Russian Pharmaceutical Forum will take place on May 14-15, 2024 at the traditional venue of the "Corinthia" hotel. The event is supported by the FBU "State Institute for Medicinal Products and Good Practices" of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia. The main focus in the plenary session will be on innovation topics — economic efficiency, national drug safety, market needs, government support measures, and interdepartmental cooperation. The state segment of the pharmaceutical industry concerns every market participant. These issues will be discussed within the business program of the forum with representatives from regulatory bodies. Clinical Research. The possibilities in medicine and the development of the pharmaceutical market largely depend on the emergence of innovative drugs. Due to the geopolitical situation, the share of such drugs on the domestic market could decrease due to a reduction in clinical studies of original drugs conducted by international companies in the Russian Federation. During the session on clinical studies, issues of market transformation of clinical studies and challenges faced by the pharmaceutical industry in recent years will be discussed. Experts will address the implementation of the clinical program for original drugs and the development of generic drugs, development strategies for clinical studies by international companies, electronic quality management, optimization systems for