An age-old problem: where to dispose of medicine packaging. Every day, people thoughtlessly throw them into the trash bin... and the blisters uncontrollably end up on the streets, in the soil. How to combat this? How to properly and safely dispose of medical waste? The company "AKRIKHIN" was the first among pharmaceutical companies to join the initiative for separate collection of used blister packaging to protect the environment and promote a responsible attitude towards nature, the company's press service reports. In Moscow, Greenbox green containers have appeared in some institutions. In less than a year, 28 medical and pharmaceutical organizations in the capital joined the project. By 2023, the number of collection points for used blister packaging increased to 50 in Saint Petersburg, Moscow region, and Ryazan region. Now, 200 collection points have been organized in four regions of Russia. Previously, almost all used blisters, along with household waste, ended up in landfills because PVC blisters with aluminum are not recycled like regular plastic. In Russia alone, several billion units of medicine packaging are sold annually. The problem has reached catastrophic proportions. The initiative for separate collection of blister packaging into containers is now recognized by consumers concerned about ecology and health. Currently, this is one of the effective methods of collecting waste from medicinal products.