Date according to the old style: April 26. On this day, the memory of Glafira of Amasia is honored. This virgin is known as a martyr: in the year 322, she was beheaded for refusing to renounce Christianity. In Russia, it was customary on Glafira's day to plant peas and early potatoes. The peas, among other things, were also charmed for a good harvest. Other more prosaic methods of caring for this legume were used as well. To protect the peas from morning frosts, the beds were covered with chopped peat. The peas developed under the peat covering until they were strong enough that morning frosts were no longer a threat. For lunch, dishes made from peas were prepared. Pea soup with meat and pea porridge were the most popular. Name day on this day: Vasiliy, Glafira, Ivan, Nikolay, Petr, Stepan