Date according to the old style: May 7. In Russia, the day got its name in honor of the custom of bathing horses in the river. On this day, all mares and stallions in the household had to be driven through the river water (and even better – drenched from head to toe). It was believed that this would give them strength and health for the whole year. Additionally, the peasants themselves would douse themselves with water from the nearest reservoir. Preparations for this ritual began in the morning – they would collect water in buckets and place them on the riverbank. On a sunny day, the water would warm up by noon, and they would douse themselves and their children with it. Kupálnitsa marks the peak of the sowing season, a time that could not be missed. However, it was said that home seeds would degenerate and become unsuitable for sowing. There was a belief that the best harvest came from foreign seeds, especially if they were stolen. Therefore, on this day, the owners would visit each other and try to secretly take some seeds. Since everyone did this, no one was left in loss. There were many signs associated with the sowing period: "Sow in good weather – you will eat bread year after year"; "Sow at the new moon – worms will eat everything"; "Eastern and western winds are best for planting and sowing." Name days on this day: Acacius, Anton, David, John, Joseph, Michael, Simeon, Stephen, Thaddeus.