Old style date: May 14.
On this day, the Orthodox Church honors the memory of Saint Isidore, renamed Sidor in Russian folklore.
The saint was nicknamed "Bokogrey" because, from his feast day, the northern winds – "sivers" – stop blowing. People used to say: "On Sidor's day, all the sivers retreat." Also, on Sidor, swifts and swallows return from the warm seas, bringing warmth to Russia.
The early return of swallows foretold a lucky year. At the same time, it was said: "One swallow does not make a spring"; "Don't trust the first swallow." This meant that only the mass arrival of birds could be evidence of the final arrival of warmth.
On this day, attention was paid to signs. If the day of Sidor was clear, a good cucumber harvest was expected. If the weather was cold, it was believed that the whole summer would be the same.
Name day on this day:
Alexander, Ivan, Leonty, Macarius, Maxim, Mark, Nikita, Peter, Tikhon