Young Russians from various countries were offered the opportunity to create video clips about the Great Patriotic War as part of the online contest "Event 41 — 45". At the end of the project, a film is planned to be released that will include the submitted works, reports the Telegram channel of the Moscow House of Compatriots. It is noted that contestants need to create a video clip using historical chronicles. It can be dedicated to a specific event of the Great Patriotic War or tell about its heroes. Subtitles in the language of the country of residence must be added to the video. Also, the video clip needs to be published on popular social networks (VKontakte, TikTok, and others) with the hashtag #СобытиеВОВ. Submissions must be sent by May 7th, and the results will be announced on Victory Day. At the end of the voting, the top three works in each age category will be named, as well as the works that will be included in the final film about the events of the Great Patriotic War. The organizers believe that the goal of the project is to foster a sense of patriotism and pride for the heroic deeds of ancestors among young compatriots.