It has started and will continue until May 16th. The RAN PSN Quiz is a traditional spring event, where school students can test their skills in answering unconventional questions posed by leading Russian scientists. The quiz will take place over eight rounds (plus one additional). Every two days, tasks will be published — one for each of the three age groups (grades 5-7, 8-9, 10-11). Participants need to solve the problem (provide a detailed answer to the question) and submit their answer via an interactive form. For each correctly solved task, up to three points can be earned. The quiz tasks are formulated in an unusual manner and may not have a definitive solution, thus requiring participants to demonstrate physical acumen and judiciousness. For well-reasoned additional arguments, conducted experiments, and unconventional solutions, one additional point can be earned directly from the task authors. The more correct answers and logical arguments — the more points and chances to win prizes and special diplomas from the Russian Academy of Sciences. Quiz winners will have the opportunity to visit the RAN Presidium, meet with RAN President academician Gennady Krasnikov, RAN vice-presidents, leading Russian scientists, and receive well-deserved awards in a ceremonial atmosphere. Typically, tours of Moscow's leading scientific centers occur after the ceremony. Starting in 2024, a number of universities include the quiz in their list of ranking events, winning which allows for additional points on the entrance exam (for the 2024 admission campaign, two universities are already offering such preferences: Moscow State Pedagogical University, Higher School of Economics NRU). The quiz is supported by the RAN Professors' Corps, the Russian Physical Society, Enlightenment Publishing House, Troitsk science city, in collaboration with Moscow State Pedagogical University (MPGU), P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute of the RAN (FIAN). Detailed information is available on the quiz page.