Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, Dmitry Chernyshenko, participated in the opening of the International Kant Congress and the plenary session "Critique of Artificial Intelligence: Problems of Being and Knowledge in the Context of Artificial Intelligence Development." The congress is held from April 22 to 25 at the Baltic Federal University on the 300th anniversary of the birth of Immanuel Kant. At the opening ceremony, Dmitry Chernyshenko read a greeting from the President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin. The head of state emphasized that the initiative to widely celebrate this anniversary date received active support both in Russia and abroad. This testifies to the unflagging interest in the thinker's personality and works. In his address to the participants, the President expressed hope that the events would contribute to the preservation of Immanuel Kant's humanistic legacy and further study of his works. The philosopher's statement – "one must live by one's own mind" – is more relevant than ever for our country. "The Kant Congress, organized at the initiative of the head of state, brings together more than 500 leading scientists and participants from 23 countries," said Dmitry Chernyshenko. He noted that holding one of the world's largest Kantian conferences at the Baltic Federal University is symbolic, as the philosopher lived his entire life in Kaliningrad. For this reason, the program began with a topic that concerns the whole world and, according to the Deputy Prime Minister, would have been of interest to Kant himself – artificial intelligence. "Immanuel Kant is an intellectual authority from whom everyone hopes to receive guidance on the fundamental issues of human life. We have deep respect for the legacy he left. His ideas have influenced science, culture, pedagogy, and have become the basis of international law," stated the governor of the Kaliningrad region, Anton Alikhanov. Dmitry Chernyshenko emphasized that the widespread use of AI is a new stage in the development of humanity, opening up great prospects for the economy and requiring a responsible approach. "According to forecasts, the total contribution of AI technologies to the global economy could reach $15 trillion by 2030. And we cannot ignore this number. In Russia, a National AI Development Strategy has been developed, one of its tasks being to increase trust in this technology," noted the Deputy Chairman of the Government. The National Strategy until 2030 includes eight key tasks and 10 indicators, the main one being a GDP increase of 11.2 trillion rubles due to AI. Since 2021, a Code of Ethics in the field of artificial intelligence has been in effect in the country, proclaiming a humanistic and responsible approach to the development and application of technologies.