Old style date: May 18. On this day, the Seven Holy Virgins are honored — seven martyrs who suffered for their faith at the beginning of the 4th century during Emperor Diocletian's persecutions of Christians. Their sufferings are described in the life of Saint Theodotus, who was a nephew of one of the virgins. His memory is also commemorated today. In Russia, Fedot (Theodotus) was honored as a helper of spring, and it was said: "When Fedot comes, the last oak will unfold its leaves." The oak was used to predict the future harvest: "If the oak has a leafy crown, you will measure oats by the basket." This meant that if the oak unfolded its leaves by Fedot's day, the spring harvest would be good. If green leaves started falling from the oak, it was a bad omen and foretold a year of hunger. In general, the oak was especially revered in Russia. This tree was considered a symbol of power, strength, glory, and strong faith. It was even said that the rejuvenating apples grew on the oak (and not on the apple tree). Under the oak, marriage ceremonies were often performed: the newlyweds had to hold hands and walk around the tree three times. Such a union was considered sealed forever. Oak wood is exceptionally strong and durable, which is why it was always in demand. However, cutting down an oak was considered somewhat of a sin. Partly for this reason, the mighty tree was always felled collectively — to share the burden of the deed among all. The felling was accompanied by various purification rituals. Besides the oak, the hero of this day was flax — it was sown precisely on Fedot and the Seven Virgins. Thus it was said: "Flax is sown by the seven Alyonas." Name days on this day: Alexandra, Andrew, Bogdan, Vasily, David, Denis, Heraclius, Claudia, Christina, Leo, Macarius, Matrona, Michael, Paul, Peter, Simon, Faina, Theodor, Fedot, Julian, Julia.