Old style date: May 29. On this day, the Orthodox Church celebrates the memory of the Virgin Theodosia of Constantinople. The wheat begins to ripen, and the first mushrooms appear, which were called "colosoviki". Many signs and proverbs were associated with this event. It was believed that "when the wheat ripens - you'll find many mushrooms, but if it's a hot June - ignore the mushrooms". About the wheat, it was also said: "Two weeks of greenery, two weeks of ears, two weeks of flowering, two weeks of ripening, two weeks of drying". By the color of the rye, the price of bread was guessed: if the rye starts to bloom from the bottom - there will be a low price of bread, if from the middle - average, and if from the top - high. People had different superstitions on this day. For example, when the wheat blossomed, it was forbidden to bleach white cloth. Children were also forbidden to jump on planks - a simple form of swings. It was said that the earth was "heavy" at this time, and jumping on it would harm it. Instead, the children sang special songs: "Sun, sun, shine in the window, give oats growth, to reach the sky. Mother-rye, stand like a solid wall". On this day, they started feeding the animals with pies and bread biscuits - so that they would reproduce more and have strong and healthy offspring. Name days on this day: Alexander, Andrew, Bogdan, John, Luke, Mary, Faina, Theodore, Theodosia