The "Immortal Regiment" campaign commenced ahead of the 79th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War, according to the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs' Telegram channel. Thousands of people joined the march held in various countries—including Argentina, Venezuela, Vietnam, Germany, India, Spain, Italy, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, New Zealand, the USA, Tunisia, Turkey, Sweden, and others. Participants included Russian diplomats, compatriots, and foreign graduates of Soviet and Russian universities. In Ankara, hundreds participated in the event. Russian compatriots and representatives of other CIS countries residing in Turkey gathered at the Russian Embassy in the Turkish capital. The head of the diplomatic mission, Alexey Erhov, congratulated those present on Easter and Victory Day, noting that, just as during the Great Patriotic War, Russia is "at the forefront of the battle." Two marches and a motor rally took place in Istanbul. In Buenos Aires, the "Immortal Regiment" march was held for the tenth time and gathered about seventy participants who came out with portraits of their front-line relatives in hand. Silvana Yarmolyuk, head of the Coordination Council of Russian Compatriots in Argentina, noted that the event took place in seven cities across the country. In the city of Paraná, the column was joined by Russians, as well as Belarusians, Syrians, Palestinians, Lebanese, and local authorities. In Tokyo, the "Immortal Regiment" campaign and an open-air concert were organized on the premises of the Russian embassy. Victory Day is also celebrated at the Russian consulates in Sapporo, Osaka, and Niigata, but many specifically travel to the Japanese capital to join the celebrations. Employees of the Russian diplomatic mission in Sweden honored the memory of their heroic ancestors. In Caracas, the march took place for the third time, with three hundred participants including Russians, Belarusians, Abkhazians, and locals. The event became the largest in Latin America in recent years. In Hammamet, Tunisia, participants carried a part of the Eternal Flame from the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, which was brought from Moscow by activists of the "People's Front." Hundreds took to the streets of Madrid with portraits of their ancestors, singing war-time songs and reciting poems. Participants in the campaign in Benin included Russians, graduates of Soviet and Russian universities. A march through Kolkata was attended by families of Russian compatriots with children, the youngest of whom was less than a year old. They were joined by Indians who had studied at Russian universities. They solemnly carried a five-meter St. George ribbon in memory of the Soviet people's heroism.