Thursday, July 25, marks the fortieth anniversary of the first woman's spacewalk, reports the Telegram channel "Tsargrad TV". It was carried out by Svetlana Savitskaya during her second orbital flight. She was admitted to the cosmonaut corps in 1980, and two years later she became the world's second woman cosmonaut. She was included in the crew as a researcher. At that time, she became inspired by the idea of going beyond the spacecraft, repeating the feat of Alexei Leonov. Savitskaya's dream came true. According to her, in outer space, she did not just admire the stars but worked. Together with Vladimir Dzhanibekov, they tested an electron beam gun: a universal hand tool that can cut and solder metal. Svetlana Savitskaya spent almost three and a half hours outside the spacecraft. The future cosmonaut was born into a family of Great Patriotic War participants. Her father was an aviation marshal. The girl dreamed of space from childhood, at 16 she enrolled in a parachute section, then entered the Moscow Aviation Institute and simultaneously studied at the Aviation Technical School in Kaluga. She flew various types of aircraft and made numerous parachute jumps. She holds about fifteen world records made on jet aircraft and other achievements. It was planned that she would make a third space flight, already as the commander of a female crew. But circumstances prevented these plans from coming to fruition. Now, the cosmonaut, twice Hero of the Soviet Union, Svetlana Savitskaya is the Deputy Chair of the State Duma Defense Committee.