This cat must now be addressed according to regulations, as the feline named Tolik, from the special unit "Semenychi," has been promoted to the rank of warrant officer in the Ministry of Emergency Situations (MChS). This subdivision of the Ministry of Emergency Situations includes animals from fire departments across various regions of Russia. In addition to Moscow's Tolik from the 89th Fire Department of the capital, the team also includes cats like Dymok from the Smolensk region, Ballon from Arkhangelsk, Lafet from Kursk, and the cat Pompa from Volgograd. The "Semenychi" ensure that there are no rodents in the fire stations and join the morning lineup alongside the staff. Moreover, they create a cozy and warm atmosphere. Interestingly, the special unit was named after another cat – the one in the last photograph. Semion served in a fire department in Tyumen but was hit by a car last year. Tolik received his rank in honor of Rescuer's Day. He was also given tiny shoulder epaulettes and promised a custom-made uniform.