1. Burebista - King of the Dacians 2. Decebal 3. Basarab I the Founder 4. Vlad III the Impaler 5. Stephen the Great 6. Michael the Brave 7. Ion Antonescu 8. Mircea Eliade 9. Nicolae Ceaușescu 10. Sergiu Nicolaescu Burebista — King of Dacia from 70 BC to 44 BC. In the first half of the 1st century BC, the Geto-Dacian tribes reached a high level of development. The transition to a new type of economy based on monetary units occurred. Strong ties with the Greek ethnicity and the aristocracy’s desire to strengthen its influence significantly contributed to the unification of the tribes. Another primary reason was external threats. In the west and northwest, the Celts grew stronger. In the east, the Scythians, Bastarnae, and Sarmatians exerted pressure on the Getic territories. However, the most dangerous threat came from the Romans, who, after conquering Greece and Macedonia, approached the Dacian-Getic territories. All these factors contributed to the unification of the Geto-Dacian tribes under Burebista’s leadership. His right hand in state governance was the High Priest Deceneu. The core of the new state settled in southern Transylvania, in the Orăștie Mountains area. This location was naturally well-protected and also had significant mineral resources. The central state was considerably strengthened. According to historians, an area of approximately 150 km² was transformed into a powerful fortress, evidence of a strong centralized power. From the Orăștie Mountains, Burebista’s power spread over all the lands occupied by the Geto-Dacians. In the east, the territory extended to the Bug River. In the south, Burebista managed to halt Roman expansion at the Balkan Mountains’ border. In the west and northwest, the Celtic tribes were defeated. Burebista created a large monarchy. The highest social group was the aristocracy, which influenced state governance, including in military matters. The state collected tribute (in various forms) from local tribal communities. Surrounding the king were advisors, among whom Deceneu held a high position. Priests were mainly selected from the aristocracy. Burebista placed great importance on the army. According to Strabo, the Dacian army numbered 200,000 men, a significant military force. Burebista replaced local currency with Roman denarii. According to Strabo, Burebista was killed during a rebellion, most likely organized by aristocrats dissatisfied with his policy of strengthening centralized power. However, the possibility of Rome organizing the assassination cannot be ruled out. After Burebista’s death, the state fragmented into four parts. The historical significance of Burebista’s reign is great. He managed to create the first unified state of the Geto-Dacians, which spread over the entire area inhabited by these tribes. Burebista’s state became the first monarchy of an aristocratic, military, and religious type, a taxable society on the Geto-Dacian territory.