Until October 13, the Ruarts Gallery of Contemporary Art is hosting the restore art exhibition "Color vs. Black and White." This year, we are discussing the great confrontation: color VS. black and white. By setting this year’s theme around the clash between color and black and white, the project curator Katya Bochavar invites participants to reflect on the nature of contrasts and dichotomies. It may seem simple to the point of naïveté, but the topic is much deeper than it appears at first glance. "Color vs. B/W" — what does color represent, and what about black and white? In different times, cultures, and artists, the answers may vary, even reverse entirely. Dichotomies: night — day, time — eternity, surface — form, emotional — restrained, sad — joyful — which of these are black and white, and which are colorful? Does color have a gender or a taste? Does every color have its own sound? Is black and white always a memory, the past, dreams, while neon colors are symbols of the future and utopias? The competition welcomes any form of expression — artistic, documentary, research, scientific, or pseudoscientific. The open call is aimed at gathering works created with AI, photography, video, illustrations, collages, and sound art. This year’s competition program introduces a new category — artist film. For 8 years, restore art has supported young artists. This project has become key to the development of digital art in Russia. The exhibition features 21 works by the winners across various categories. You can visit the exhibition at: 1st Zachatyevsky Lane 10, Tue-Sun, 12:00-20:00.