WhatsApp* developers have announced that as of January 1, 2025, the application will no longer be supported on 19 Android devices. According to GSMArena, users of older smartphones will lose access to the messenger. The restriction applies to devices running Android KitKat or earlier versions of the operating system, which are over 10 years old. The list includes smartphones from Samsung, Motorola, HTC, LG, and Sony. Users of these devices are advised to switch to newer models, as starting January 1, all WhatsApp data, including chat history and media files, will be permanently lost. Previously, similar measures were applied to specific iPhone models. Currently, WhatsApp supports devices running Android 5.0 and above, as well as iPhones with iOS 12 and later. Developers explained the decision as necessary to implement new features and improve security. Earlier, it was reported that media claims about a potential WhatsApp ban are merely rumors. • WhatsApp is owned by Meta, which is designated as an extremist organization and is banned in Russia.