The “Hero City Leningrad” exhibition is currently being held at the Manege Central Exhibition Hall in Saint Petersburg, commemorating the 80th anniversary of the city’s liberation from the fascist siege. This exhibition is an artistic way of understanding how and why the people of Leningrad were able to withstand and triumph. The exhibition immerses visitors in the atmosphere of events that occurred in besieged Leningrad. It is a live dialogue with the viewer through personal belongings, objects, paintings, and an audio performance about human resilience and the incredible will to live. The exhibits tell how Leningraders tried to protect each other and their home, what they wrote in their personal diaries, hoping to live another day. The Bank of Russia Museum has presented a separate stand in the “Industry and Economy” thematic section. Among the exhibits are money used during the siege, rare archival photos, and historical documents such as bread cards and lists of food rationing. Especially for the exhibition, the Peter the Great Botanical Garden is growing wild plants — nettle, plantain, and dandelion. During the siege, special recipes were developed for their consumption. The exhibition about the undefeated city and its heroes will last until May 12, 2024. Isaakievskaya Square, 1