The renowned Russian polyglot and creator of a unique rapid language learning method, Dmitry Petrov, has joined a project aimed at preserving the Yakut language. Petrov will not only learn the Yakut language in two months but also teach 15 Russian-speaking Yakuts. As part of the Yakut language preservation project and at the invitation of the republic’s library community, polyglot Dmitry Petrov will conduct an experiment. In just 16 lessons, 15 Russian-speaking participants will be able to start speaking the Yakut language using a special method developed by Petrov, according to YASIA. The lessons are scheduled for spring 2025, and the learning process will be filmed by the media center of the National Library of Yakutia. Currently, Dmitry Petrov has admitted that he does not speak Yakut but plans to learn it at a basic level within two months. Dmitry Petrov became widely known through his intensive foreign language learning courses broadcast on the TV channel “Kultura.” The series featured eight episodes where participants learned languages such as Chinese, English, French, and others. The project’s goal is not only to develop a teaching method for the Yakut language but also to promote it beyond the republic. Afanasiy Noev, Minister of Culture and Spiritual Development of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), noted that the project, with the participation of the polyglot, could increase public interest in learning the Yakut language and attract new enthusiasts to the cause. Additionally, as recently mentioned by GoArctic, while the Yakut population of the republic understands Russian, the incentive for Russian speakers to learn Yakut diminishes. Dmitry Petrov stated that he was intrigued by the invitation to create a Yakut language course with the aim of developing a basic teaching methodology. According to him, unlike many other languages in Russia, the Yakut language is in relatively good condition, with a strong cultural potential and a significant number of native speakers. Dmitry Petrov has mastered more than 30 languages using his intensive study method and revealed that he has studied over 100 languages in total. He professionally uses 8–10 languages for simultaneous interpreting and general translation and can fluently communicate and read in about 20 more. There are languages he learns for specific projects or trips: if he plans to visit a certain country, he tries to acquire some basics of its language.