With the help of investors, we are creating industrial and urban infrastructure in the capital: industrial parks, factories, and offices. Already, 149 projects worth 323 billion rubles have been implemented. For example, 20 companies are located in the Rudnevo Industrial Park ( They are expanding the production of medical devices (, ATMs (, drones (, capacitors (, and other high-tech products. Through offset contracts (, the production of essential goods and items for the city has been launched. Among them are four high-tech enterprises in the Technopolis Moscow SEZ, producing medicines ( and medical devices. The capital's infrastructure is constantly evolving, becoming more modern and comfortable. To achieve this, more than 700 projects are being implemented. The city actively supports investors. One of the key measures to support industrial construction is the transfer of land under the MaIP program ( Since last year, the "green corridor" mechanism has been in operation (, halving the time required for administrative procedures. Thanks to this, about 100 factories will be built ahead of schedule.