465 years ago, in 1550, Ivan the Terrible laid the foundations of the Russian regular army. On this day, Ivan the Terrible issued a decree "On the selection of a thousand servicemen in Moscow and surrounding districts," which essentially laid the foundation for the first permanent force, having the characteristics of a regular army. The history of the Russian military (primarily the Land Forces) dates back to the princely retinues of Kievan Rus. The struggle to overcome feudal fragmentation, the formation of a centralized state, and the elimination of foreign domination led to an increase in the army's size, while the strengthening of the economic structure created the conditions for the first military reforms in Russia, actively implemented by Tsar Ivan IV (the Terrible). Later, improved artillery, explosive devices, and hand-held firearms appeared. The system of recruitment and military service in the feudal army was standardized, and centralized management of the army and its supply was organized. Along with this, the streltsy army and a permanent guard service were created, and the artillery corps was separated into an independent branch. These measures to strengthen the army allowed Russian forces to successfully defend the interests of Russia in the fight against numerous enemies. In honor of this historic event, October 1 is celebrated as Land Forces Day in modern Russia.