The World Games of Young Compatriots have started in Moscow, reports the Telegram channel of the Rossotrudnichestvo representation. The opening ceremony took place on June 2. This tournament is being held for the eighth time. More than two hundred athletes from thirty countries, ranging from Zambia and South Korea to Spain, Uzbekistan, and Palestine, are competing for victory. The sports program includes competitions in popular school sports: 3x3 basketball, 4x4 volleyball, chess, table tennis, wrestling, and swimming. Participants are also invited to the "Dialogues in Russian" contest. As reported by "Russian World," the tournament is a unique event where teams that cannot meet in the same composition at other competitions come together. The Games provide children of compatriots the opportunity to communicate with their peers from other countries, make new friends, and enrich themselves culturally. They are also aimed at preserving the Russian language, culture, and history among the younger generation. The organizers of the Games are the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation and Rossotrudnichestvo.