Suzy Naomi Guandegno Ngongue is the great-granddaughter of the first king of Gabon. In her homeland, she studied medicine, but a student gang kidnapped her — and she miraculously escaped. Her parents decided to send her far away — and she went to study in Moscow. Here, Suzy fell in love with Russian borscht, learned the Russian language, and met her Russian husband — an IT specialist from Krasnoyarsk. After her studies, she moved with him to Siberia and worked as a doctor, traveling to the smallest towns and villages. "I learned to dress like a real Siberian, in many layers." She divorced her husband: they married too early and were too different. But from this marriage, a wonderful son was born. Now, Suzy lives with her child in Sochi. After traveling there for a modeling competition, she realized: everything here is just like in her native Gabon. And while the locals suffer from the humid 42-degree heat, the girl from Africa feels quite comfortable among the local palm trees.