Thanks to the implementation of information technologies and the introduction of the "Health" section on the Gosuslugi portal, citizens will experience reduced wait times for specialist appointments, simplified procedures for scheduling doctor visits, and the ability to obtain electronic prescriptions. The automation of medical workers' workplaces will enable them to serve patients more efficiently. All regions of Russia will have the opportunity to conduct telemedicine consultations. The National Healthcare Project is creating a unified digital healthcare framework in hospitals and clinics across the regions of our country. Special attention is being paid to the implementation of a digital medical profile, which consolidates information about health status and medical services received. Additionally, the priority areas remain the formation of an electronic medical record, which includes all data, repeated studies, including those obtained from medical equipment. The implementation of all other innovations revolves around the digital patient model, allowing the formation of an individual treatment, rehabilitation, and prevention program based on the patient’s digital profile. 45 million digital profiles have already been implemented. Since last year, the introduction of AI programs in all regions has begun, with 26 registered across the country, 19 of which are Russian. Digital transformation and the creation of digital services are optimizing the medical care process, making it more efficient in terms of medical worker labor costs, which will undoubtedly increase patient accessibility to medical care and their satisfaction.