The African Usutu virus may enter our country, although it was previously considered an exotic tropical infection. The issue lies in climate change. Along with it, the habitats of animals, birds, and insects, which can carry dangerous diseases, are also changing. Scientists warn that the Usutu virus could potentially reach even the central regions of Russia. The Usutu virus was first identified in animals in Africa in 1959. It is transmitted by Culex pipiens mosquitoes (common in our country). In turn, the insects usually get infected from birds. From Africa, the virus spread to Europe. Since 1996, cases of bird deaths from Usutu have been recorded over the years in Italy, Hungary, Switzerland, Spain, Belgium, Germany, Austria, the Netherlands, and France. After a person is bitten by an infected mosquito, Usutu can enter the bloodstream and quickly begin to multiply. The virus shares symptoms similar to West Nile fever. Fatal outcomes are extremely rare. Exceptions may include people with weakened immune systems or serious chronic diseases. In rare cases, the virus can cause severe complications such as encephalitis and meningitis. It is not yet known whether Usutu will reach Russia – it's a matter of chance. However, experts are monitoring the situation. There is a possibility that infected mosquitoes may not survive the low winter temperatures. Scientists note that ordinary citizens should not worry for now.