Old Style Date: July 23. In the church calendar, this day is marked as the commemoration date of Saints Trofiim, Theophilus, and the thirteen martyrs who suffered during the persecution of Christians under Emperor Diocletian (late 3rd - early 4th century). When brought to trial, the men refused to offer sacrifices to pagan idols and to renounce Christianity. The martyrs were tortured for a long time, and then, after having their legs broken, they were thrown into the fire from which they emerged on their own feet completely unharmed. Despairing of breaking the Christians’ will, the pagans beheaded them. This day was called Bessonnik in Russia because it was in the midst of the busy work season. “Long sleep does no good,” people noted. There were other sayings on the same topic: “In the busy season, the only concern is that the work doesn’t stop”; “To reap means not to sleep”; “For a good host, the day is short”; “When the work is going, you don’t feel like sleeping.” On Trofiim, the gathering of viburnum and raspberries began, and the day was therefore called Kalinnik-Malinnik. The peasants said: “From a raspberry bush, you don’t get much bark, but the berries are sweet. And from a viburnum bush, you get bark, but the berries aren’t edible.” Viburnum was valued by people primarily because it is a good honey plant and secondly, of course, for its medicinal properties. In folk medicine, infusions from viburnum bark were used for nervous diseases, convulsions, and as a hemostatic. The berries were used for stomach diseases, avitaminosis; besides, it is a good general tonic and diuretic. Infusions of the flowers were used to treat skin diseases. In addition, viburnum juice has gelling properties; housewives used this and, by adding apple puree, made marmalade and pastila. But even more, raspberries were loved in Russia - a tasty, sweet, and very beautiful berry that contains many useful substances. In old times, people did not know about the chemical composition of berries but actively used them as a diaphoretic and antiseptic for colds. Peasants consumed raspberries in various forms: fresh, in jams, in compotes; they also made wine from them. Name days on this day Andrey, Anna, Apollinarii, Vitalii, Mikhail, Trofim, Fedor, Theophil.