Russian compatriots in Lebanon celebrated Victory Day with a chess tournament, as reported by the Telegram channel of the Rossotrudnichestvo representation. The event took place in Batroun, gathering one hundred and fifty participants aged between 5 and 20 years. Young chess players came from all over the Arab country, including locals and people of Russian origin. The event was organized by the Chess Club of alumni of Soviet and Russian universities, with the support of the Russian-Lebanese diaspora Cultural House in Batroun and the Russian House. The event featured the director of the Russian House in Beirut, Alexander Sorokin, the advisor to the embassy of the Russian Federation, Andrei Mustaev, and arbitrators from the Chess Federation of Lebanon. As reported by "Ruskiy Mir", Russian compatriots in Lebanon also participated in the "Immortal Regiment" and "Windows of Victory" actions. About eight hundred residents of the Lebanese capital took to the streets with portraits of their relatives who fought on the front as part of the "Immortal Regiment" action. At the Russian House in Beirut, various events were organized for Victory Day, including a musical concert and a theatrical performance that recounted the heroism of the Soviet people during the Great Patriotic War. Also, a fair was held, and for guests, a field kitchen operated, helping to recreate the atmosphere of the wartime era.