The main port city of Romania, a modern resort on the Black Sea coast. Currently, new hotels and resort complexes are being built in the city, the most extensive of which are the mud resorts Eforie and Mamaia. The resorts not only offer serene relaxation on the coast but also have the status of health centers due to the sapropelic mud, the deposits of which were discovered in the new resort area. The healing properties of the mud are sometimes compared to the effects of the Dead Sea, so remarkable is their effect. To see all the sights of Constanța, you will need several days filled with excursions. In addition to magnificent beaches, mild climate, and healing mud, Constanța is rich in historical sights and offers plenty of entertainment for its guests. The main architectural building of the city is the Casino, the construction of which was completed at the beginning of the 20th century. This is a magnificent building, striking in its grandeur and elegance. Regarding religious landmarks, the Orthodox Cathedral, Mosque, and Catholic Church are worth noting. All these shrines were built at the turn of the 18th - 19th centuries. The oldest architectural monuments are the ruins of Roman buildings, where only the mosaic that adorned the floors of spacious commercial buildings has been preserved. Also preserved are Byzantine basilicas and fortifications built in the 5th - 6th centuries. A landmark structure for the city is the Great Mahmudiye Mosque, built in 1910 by order of the king and considered one of the most beautiful mosques in the country. For the decoration of its hall, a huge carpet was ordered from craftsmen in Turkey, weighing more than a thousand pounds. Now, this luxurious carpet is one of the largest in Europe. Another interesting feature of this mosque is its minaret, which is 50 meters high, and to reach its top, you need to climb 140 steps. Those who love walking through picturesque places will find it interesting to visit the Murfatlar vineyards. Here is one of the oldest wineries in the region, where fascinating tours are conducted for tourists. Constanța is home to representatives of various religions, including Orthodox Christians and Muslims. Therefore, while walking through the city, you will encounter both churches and mosques. In 1885, the Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul was built. It is located at 25 Archiepiscopiei Street. Here you can see frescoes made in the Byzantine style. If you ask for permission from the clergy, you can climb the tower, which is 35 meters high, and enjoy a picturesque view of Constanța and the seafront. You can also visit the active Carol I Mosque, which is a copy of an Anatolian mosque in Turkey. It was built of concrete in Ovid Square in 1910. Inside the building, you will see lamps, ornaments, and a large Persian carpet. You will be allowed to take photos and climb the spiral staircase with 140 steps to the minaret, 50 meters high, from where you can enjoy a beautiful panorama of the city and the port. One of Constanța's architectural landmarks is the active Genoese Lighthouse, which was built in the 13th century. The materials for its construction were natural stone, lime, sand, and sea shells. The upper part of the building is decorated with elements that indicate the cardinal directions. You will find the lighthouse on Remus Opreanu Street, and by climbing the spiral staircase with 53 steps, you will reach the metal dome and see the city from a height of 16 meters. You have the opportunity to visit the cradle of Romanian Orthodoxy. To do this, you need to go to the forest near the city. Here are the Dervent Cave, discovered in 1918, and the monastery. For 5 years, the Apostle Andrew lived in it. He preached the Gospel to pagans and baptized them in local springs. You will enter the cave by climbing a few steps. To the left of the entrance, you will see a bed made of stone, and further on - a small altar and an X-shaped cross, in the center of which are the holy relics of the apostle. You will also visit the new church and taste the dishes that the monks prepare and eat. 5 kilometers north of Constanța is the resort town of Mamaia. Here you can ride the cable car, which locals call the gondola. It runs from the main square to the suburbs of Constanța at a height of 50 meters above the Black Sea coast and hotels. When you get into the cable car cabin, you will feel how the car slightly shakes at the joints and sways in the wind, making you catch your breath. And from this height, you will enjoy the city panorama and take beautiful photos. The most favorable time to visit Constanța is the summer months, when the weather is pleasant and sunny. The first snow usually falls in mid-October.