On September 11, 2007, Russia tested the most powerful non-nuclear bomb in the world – the Aviation Thermobaric Bomb of Increased Power (AVBPM). This is a completely new type of weapon, and experts say that "in terms of efficiency and capability, it is comparable to a nuclear weapon." At the same time, such a weapon "does not pollute the environment at all." Before this, the most powerful thermobaric bomb in the world was in the arsenal of the US Air Force, tested in 2003 and dubbed the "Mother of All Bombs." Russian developers, following the same analogy, named their new weapon "Father of All Bombs." The Russian aerial bomb surpasses the American equivalent in every parameter. Although the amount of explosive material is smaller, the Russian bomb is four times more powerful. The temperature at the center of the explosion is twice as high. In terms of total impact area, the "Father of All Bombs" exceeds the "Mother" by 20 times.