On June 1 and 2, the second Moscow Children's Arts Festival "Sky" will take place in Gorky Park. Over two days, more than 100 events combining theater and circus, science and art, music and dance will be held at nine locations in the park. At the heart of Gorky Park, scientific workshops will be held, and a children's scientific platform, part of the Decade of Science and Technology program, will operate. The event is supported by the initiative "Infrastructure for the Popularization of Science and Content Creation" of the Decade of Science and Technology. The workshops are operated by the Polytechnic Museum. At the Decade of Science and Technology platform, visitors can participate in scientific workshops on cyanotype, learn how clocks work, create their own clock models, dive into the world of animation creation, and conduct joint research on skyscrapers to construct their models. From 11 AM to evening, the Polytechnic Museum team will conduct workshops. The detailed workshop program will be presented on the festival's website. Another attraction will be the children's scientific platform of the Decade of Science and Technology, created by the "LEBER" company to allow every child to get acquainted with science and scientific phenomena. The platform is equipped with interactive objects that engage children in studying physical effects — acoustics, electricity, light. Children, together with their parents, can learn how sound waves propagate, how the sounds of musical instruments combine into orchestra music, why the shadow of a hand is larger than the hand, how dots and dashes "sound," and how cinema works. The family festival is organized to mark International Children's Day to create opportunities for education, development, and creative self-determination for children and teenagers. For two days, the main park of the capital will become a large playground and educational platform where theater and circus, science and art, music and dance come together. At nine locations, more than 100 events will take place: the festival's own premieres, tours of regional theaters, audience hits from leading Moscow theaters, performances by indie musicians, and an exhibition of art objects. The festival program will captivate not only children and teenagers but also adults. Everyone will find something to their liking: scientific experiments, promenade performances, stage movement workshops, musical professions, spectacular theater performances, and concerts. All festival events are free for viewers; some require registration. The organizers are the Moscow City Department of Culture and Gorky Park, with the co-organizer being the "Consumption Culture" company. "Our festival gives children the opportunity for self-determination, choosing a profession, and a creative language. The festival-game proposes to understand science, architecture, music, literature, and theater through interactive practices where children are not just spectators but real co-authors," said Evgeny Mironov, People's Artist of the Russian Federation, Artistic Director of the Theater of Nations and the Moscow Children's Arts Festival "Sky." The gala premiere from "Helikon-Opera" — the theatrical concert "Sing, Sing! Because You Are an Opera Hero" — will unite arias and duets from the world opera repertoire, understandable to both adults and children. The Mossovet Theater will present the play "The Bremen Town Musicians" directed by its artistic director and director Evgeny Marchelli — a popular audience hit with songs by Gennady Gladkov and lyrics by Yuri Entin, enjoyed by several generations. The Taganka Theater will present Alexander Pushkin's fairy tale "The Dead Princess and the Seven Knights" with sand animation accompaniment. Music by Tchaikovsky and Vivaldi will be performed by the soloist ensemble "Hermitage" under the direction of Ilya Norshtein, with narrators being the theater's director, actress Irina Apeksimova, and actor Pavel Komarov. The audience-loved symphonic fairy tale "Peter and the Wolf" and the suite "Carnival of the Animals" with the participation of Evgeny Mironov and Irina Pegova — the festival's own project — will again take place, accompanied by the Moscow State Symphony Orchestra under the direction of Ivan Rudin. The full program of the Moscow Children's Arts Festival "Sky" is presented on the event's website.