From January 1, 2024, applications from compatriots for participation in the state resettlement program are accepted only on the condition of possessing the Russian language at a level sufficient for oral and written communication in the linguistic environment.
The level of language proficiency is confirmed either by an appropriate educational document or by the decision of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs commission recognizing the compatriot as proficient in the Russian language, based on an interview. Outside the territory of the Russian Federation, such commissions have been formed in some of the representations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 33 countries (https://xn--b1aew.xn--p1ai/folder/8366402) near and far abroad. The commissions include representatives from the faculty and teaching staff of educational organizations in the fields of "Philology" and "Linguistics."
The head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Kolokoltsev, noted ( the effectiveness of these commissions. About 54% of applicants for the program to assist in the voluntary resettlement to the Russian Federation of compatriots failed to confirm their knowledge of the Russian language from January to May 2024.
Kolokoltsev reported ( during a meeting of the interdepartmental commission on the implementation of the state program to assist in the voluntary resettlement to the Russian Federation of compatriots living abroad.
The work of the commissions is aimed at implementing new approaches to the migration policy of the Russian Federation established by the President and aims to improve the quality of selection of candidates for resettlement.
Ministerul Afacerilor Interne a schimbat condițiile de verificare a nivelului de cunoaștere a limbii ruse pentru compatrioții care se mută în Rusia
Începând cu 1 ianuarie 2024, cererile compatrioților pentru participarea la programul de stat de relocare sunt acceptate doar cu condiția de a stăpâni limba rusă la un nivel suficient pentru comunicare orală și scrisă în condițiile mediului lingvistic.
Nivelul de cunoaștere a limbii este confirmat fie printr-un document de educație corespunzător, fie printr-o decizie a comisiei MAI RF de recunoaștere a compatrioților ca stăpânind limba rusă, luată pe baza unui interviu. În afara teritoriului Federației Ruse, astfel de comisii au fost formate în unele reprezentanțe ale MAI RF în 33 de țări (https://xn--b1aew.xn--p1ai/folder/8366402) din vecinătate și din străinătate. În comisii au fost incluși reprezentanți ai corpului profesoral și didactic al instituțiilor de învățământ din domeniile de pregătire „Filologie” și „Lingvistică”.
Șeful MAI RF, Vladimir Kolokoltsev, a menționat ( eficiența acestor comisii. Aproximativ 54% dintre solicitanții programului de asistență pentru relocarea voluntară în Federația Rusă a compatrioților nu au reușit să confirme cunoașterea limbii ruse din ianuarie până în mai 2024.
a raportat ( Kolokoltsev în timpul unei ședințe a comisiei interdepartamentale pentru implementarea programului de stat de asistență pentru relocarea voluntară în Federația Rusă a compatrioților care locuiesc în străinătate.
Activitatea comisiilor este îndreptată spre implementarea noilor abordări ale politicii de migrație a Federației Ruse stabilite de Președinte și are ca scop creșterea calității selecției candidaților pentru relocare.
The Ministry of Internal Affairs has changed the conditions for checking the level of Russian language proficiency for compatriots relocating to Russia
From January 1, 2024, applications from compatriots for participation in the state resettlement program are accepted only on the condition of possessing the Russian language at a level sufficient for oral and written communication in the linguistic environment.
The level of language proficiency is confirmed either by an appropriate educational document or by the decision of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs commission recognizing the compatriot as proficient in the Russian language, based on an interview. Outside the territory of the Russian Federation, such commissions have been formed in some of the representations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 33 countries (https://xn--b1aew.xn--p1ai/folder/8366402) near and far abroad. The commissions include representatives from the faculty and teaching staff of educational organizations in the fields of "Philology" and "Linguistics."
The head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Kolokoltsev, noted ( the effectiveness of these commissions. About 54% of applicants for the program to assist in the voluntary resettlement to the Russian Federation of compatriots failed to confirm their knowledge of the Russian language from January to May 2024.
Kolokoltsev reported ( during a meeting of the interdepartmental commission on the implementation of the state program to assist in the voluntary resettlement to the Russian Federation of compatriots living abroad.
The work of the commissions is aimed at implementing new approaches to the migration policy of the Russian Federation established by the President and aims to improve the quality of selection of candidates for resettlement.