Date by the old style: May 28.
The Orthodox Church commemorates Saint Nikita of Chalcedon, the Confessor, on this day.
In folk tradition, the saint was called the guardian of geese, or simply the Gooseherd. According to popular belief, Nikita primarily guarded geese, not adult birds, protecting them from eagles, hawks, and other predators.
The second name of this day is "Noonday Spirits". They were called this way because they resembled ordinary earthly women in appearance. Tall, beautiful, they would fly in circles over the fields on hot summer days and entice working peasants. It was believed that they wanted to torment men and deprive them of their masculine strength. During these times, it was customary to close one's eyes and say, "Lord, save me from temptation." However, angering these spirits was also not advisable, otherwise, they would become enraged and dry out the fields.
Pregnant women were purposely sent to the fields on this day — so that the child would gain the same strength as a young ear of wheat. There was a belief that giving birth in the wheat field leads to easy births and healthy children.
Attention was also paid to the weather signs associated with Nikita. If the day was calm — a good harvest was expected in the autumn.
Namesakes on this day
Basil, Dmitry, Elena, Zachariah, Ignatius, Irakli, Macarius, Nikita, Nicholas, Paul, Peter