In the street zone of "VinoGrad," everything is just as promised: sun, summer, and wine with wonderful snacks. DJs are responsible for the mood. The fact that we are at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum ( is reminded by the business suits of the guests and serious conversations. We noticed that many are not just grabbing a glass of cool white or red wine to refresh in the heat but are approaching the matter thoroughly, asking the sommelier questions to make the right choice for themselves. This is a clear example of how wine consumption culture and respect for the drink are being formed. Today, a sparkling duel of two styles — "Vedernikov Winery" and "Abrau-Durso" — is taking place. The second for this duel was Svetlana Lomsadze, brand chef-sommelier of the Twins Garden restaurant. ( While the gathered guests were trying the drinks and deciding which one they liked better, we asked Svetlana about the main rules of tasting. Briefly, they are: Sparkling, white, and rosé wines should be chilled for 4-5 hours before serving; Red wines can be opened in advance and allowed to breathe for a couple of hours; Glasses should be clean, polished, and free of any foreign odors; Have plenty of water — there should be as much water as there is wine; Snacks will also be needed. Additionally, a cruche or spittoon will come in handy for spitting out wine, which is especially useful during extensive tastings. And a life hack: to protect your body from possible consequences, it is recommended to take absorbents before and after the tasting.