In Kamchatka, near the village of Ustyevoe, an operation is underway to rescue a family of orcas stranded in the shallow waters of the Sea of Okhotsk — over 30 people are involved in helping the animals. Rescue efforts for the two adult orcas and two calves are being led by inspectors from GIMS of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations, local firefighters from KGKU "COD", the head of Sobolevsky District, and volunteers. Due to the low tide, the mammals are struggling to breathe and need to be sprayed with water. Currently, the lives of the "marine family" are not in danger. Rescuers are slowly moving the orcas manually toward deeper water so that when the tide comes in, they can swim out to open sea. Orcas belong to the cetacean suborder of toothed whales in the dolphin family. The genus is represented by a single species. Orcas are recognized as the largest members of their family and are the only true predators among modern cetaceans, hunting warm-blooded animals. Orcas are found throughout almost all of the world's oceans, in both coastal areas and open waters, but mainly stay within 800 km of the shore. They are not found in the Black, Azov, East Siberian, or Laptev Seas. They are less common in tropical waters and more frequently found in cold and temperate zones. In Russia, they are typically found near the Kuril Islands, the Commander Islands, and Kamchatka, most often seen in Avacha Bay, near Cape Green.