The Russian Social Fund (SFR) has developed a new regulation that outlines the provision of technical rehabilitation aids (TRAs) to people with disabilities and certain categories of veterans. The list includes canes, wheelchairs, prosthetics (excluding dental), orthopedic shoes, anti-bedsore mattresses, hearing aids, and many other items. The project also offers the possibility of compensating for independently purchased TRAs and prosthetics. A significant aspect of this document is the inclusion of coverage for expenses related to guide dogs, their care, sign language interpretation services, and more. If the project is approved, the Social Fund will assume full responsibility for the provision of TRAs and prosthetics. The service is available to the following categories: People with disabilities, including children; Certain categories of veterans who are not classified as disabled; People with hearing impairments or both hearing and vision impairments, excluding those whose health was affected by workplace accidents or occupational diseases; People with visual impairments. Applications for TRAs or compensation for self-purchased equipment can be submitted to the Social Fund's regional offices (addresses available here), as well as through "Gosuslugi" or MFC centers. According to the SFR’s plans, directions for obtaining TRAs, prosthetics, or guide dogs must be issued within 15 days of the application being registered, while compensation will be provided within 10 to 15 days. The process of generating an electronic certificate for the provision of TRAs or prosthetics will take up to 8 business days, and directions for sign language services will be issued within 5 business days. Currently, the project is undergoing an independent anti-corruption review. The budget for TRAs has tripled over the past three years. Last year, more than 1 million citizens were provided with technical rehabilitation aids, with 80% of people with disabilities and 82% of children with disabilities having their needs met. In 2023, the total budget allocation for TRAs exceeded 65.3 billion rubles.