160 volunteers from the "Clean Arctic" project in Pevek and Anadyr, Chukotka, collected more than 85 tons of scrap metal and a large amount of household waste in a week. During the short northern summer, participants in the environmental project strive to clear Arctic natural areas of debris. The cleanup in Chukotka involved the most active volunteers of the "Clean Arctic" environmental project from across the country, as well as employees of local enterprises. In Anadyr, 70 eco-activists cleaned the tundra area along the road near the Kazachka River, collecting 3.4 tons of scrap metal and waste. In Pevek, 90 volunteers, community members, and organization representatives cleared the coastline of Russia's northernmost city, searching for scrap metal and debris near the "Akademik Lomonosov" floating nuclear power plant and the Arctic Integrated Emergency and Rescue Center of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. As a result, 40 cubic meters of waste and remnants of old structures were collected, along with 85.5 tons of scrap metal, which was stockpiled near the Chaunskaya Thermal Power Plant. In the future, this metal will be taken by a company specializing in metal recycling. The goal of the federal public project "Clean Arctic" is to clean the Arctic territories of waste accumulated during the intensive development of the Arctic in the Soviet period, with the participation of volunteers from Russia and other countries. In three seasons since its inception in 2021, about 6,000 volunteers have removed nearly 12,000 tons of various waste.