Date in the old style: September 17. On this day, Orthodox Christians commemorate the four martyrs — Vera (Faith), Nadezhda (Hope), Lyubov (Love), and their mother, Sophia. According to tradition, Sophia was a widow who raised her daughters in Christian piety. Upon learning of this, the emperor tried to convert them to paganism — first through persuasion and gifts, then with threats. The girls remained steadfast, and the ruler ordered them to be tortured. The young Christians miraculously survived the tortures unharmed, but were beheaded. Sophia buried her daughters and passed away from grief three days later. At the time of death, Vera was twelve, Nadezhda was ten, and Lyubov was just nine. The original Greek names of the girls — Pistis, Elpis, and Agape — were translated into Russian, while their mother's name, Sophia (meaning "wisdom"), retained its original sound. In Russia, this day was widely celebrated by many girls and women, as these four names were very popular. Over time, it became a major celebration — Universal Women's Name Day. All women were congratulated on this occasion. Name days were usually celebrated over three days, honoring maternal wisdom and the feminine virtues of faith, hope, and love. On this day, every woman was expected to shed a few tears for herself and her loved ones. Afterward, with a clear heart, they would turn to household duties, baking name-day pies and pretzels. The day dedicated to Vera, Nadezhda, and Lyubov is typically clear and warm. People would note: if cranes fly south on this day, there will be frost by the Feast of the Protection of the Mother of God. Name days on this day: Alexandra, Vera, Dmitry, Zinovy, Ivan, Ilya, Irina, Lyubov, Miron, Nadezhda, Nikodim, Pavel, Serafim, Sophia