To be employed by the KGB in the USSR, candidates had to meet stringent selection criteria that became increasingly strict over time. Appearance and Physiological Parameters Candidates were required to have an unremarkable appearance that wouldn't attract attention. Important parameters included a minimum weight of 45 kg and a height of at least 150 cm. Health Only those citizens who were healthy enough to fulfill their duties were considered. Applicants with physiological deficiencies, such as missing limbs, stuttering, or the absence of more than ten teeth, were deemed unsuitable. Nationality and Loyalty Certain nationalities were not accepted (Crimean Tatars, Chechens, Ingush, and other Caucasian peoples). Individuals of Jewish descent and those with nervous eye disorders were also excluded. Education and Party Affiliation Candidates were required to have relevant education, military service, and work experience in Soviet institutions. Party affiliation with the Communist Party was a crucial criterion.