From now on, Telegram will reveal the IP addresses and phone numbers of those who violate the messenger's rules. The company has updated its privacy policy. What this means for users was explained by MIR 24 correspondent Igor Mosunov. Anonymity and privacy were considered among the key principles of Telegram. Now, the messenger’s founder states that he is ready to disclose users' phone numbers and IP addresses at the request of law enforcement. "We have updated our terms of service and privacy policy, ensuring consistency across the globe. These measures should deter criminals. Search in Telegram is intended for finding friends and news, not for promoting illegal goods. We will not allow wrongdoers to jeopardize the integrity of our platform, which serves almost a billion users,” Durov wrote. The fight against those who abuse Telegram began shortly after his arrest. At the end of summer, the businessman was detained directly at Le Bourget airport in Paris. According to media reports, a warrant had been issued back in the spring, and Durov was well aware of which countries to avoid, as he previously shared in an interview with Tucker Carlson. "I travel to places where I am confident that they align with what we do and our values. I don't travel to any of the major geopolitical powers like China, Russia, or even the US," assured the Telegram founder. Terrorism, drugs, fraud, money laundering, pedophilia — Durov faces charges as an accomplice for refusing to provide access to encrypted messages of criminals on these grounds. He faces up to 10 years in prison. And there's nowhere to run — almost the entire world is hunting for Telegram's encryption keys. Pavel Durov claims that Telegram's new policy will only affect wrongdoers. However, it seems that those with access to the keys will now decide who qualifies as a criminal.