Yamal – "edge of the earth", land of the Nenets and Khants – "Samoyeds" and "Ostyaks". For nearly a thousand years, Yamal has been a place of interest for Russian merchants, hunters for "soft fur" and northern fish, and in the mid-20th century, its history was marked by the grim years of the Gulag, and now – it is a region with the largest gas deposits in Russia. The Yamal Peninsula is located in the north of Western Siberia, washed by the Kara Sea to the west (including its Baydaratskaya Bay), and by the Ob Bay to the east. To the west, the autonomous district borders the Republic of Komi and the Nenets Autonomous District, to the south - with the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous District – Yugra, to the east - with the Krasnoyarsk Territory and the Taymyr (Dolgano-Nenets) Autonomous District, and to the north - it is washed by the Kara Sea of the Arctic Ocean. The Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District is known not only for its oil and gas industry but also for its harsh northern nature. Here, industry and traditional northern trades coexist peacefully. The climate of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District is continental, characterized by a long and cold winter with strong winds and blizzards, and a short and cool summer with long daylight hours. The average January temperature ranges from -24.5°C (Bely Island) to -25.7°C (Novy Port). The average July temperature ranges from +3.6°C to +10.2°C. Additionally, one can see, for example, the mummy of a medieval warrior buried in the 13th century; ancient bone and bronze animal figures; the skeleton of an adult mammoth, over 17,000 years old; shamanic attributes, national costumes, and much more. Sausage and stewed meat are made from the meat, and supplements for boosting immunity are made from reindeer antlers. Also, as gifts from Yamal, one can bring: lingonberries, blueberries, bilberries, cloudberries, collections of Yamal herbs, dried mushrooms, caviar, fresh cedar nuts or in pine syrup, jam from pine cones and northern berries. The main dish of the Yamal nomads is stroganina It is frozen fish, sliced into thin, almost transparent shavings. The slices can be dipped in a mix of salt and pepper. Sometimes, instead of fish, reindeer meat is sliced. In Yamal, fish is also eaten after thermal processing. The most popular types are whitefish and muksun. They are baked, fried, used as filling for pies. The traditional hot dish is fish soup or shurpa. These are thick and very hearty dishes. In some families, it is customary to drink the broth separately from the meat and fish. If you visit a nomad's tent, you will first be offered tea to warm you up from the cold. And with the tea, a simple yet very tasty dessert is often prepared: frozen berries—cloudberries, lingonberries—with condensed milk. Once you have become acquainted with the diverse nature of Yamal, which has created a true northern fairy tale in the harshest climatic conditions, you will want to return here again and again.