The "Arctic" refers to the Earth's northern polar region, encompassing the Arctic Ocean and the surrounding continents and islands. The Arctic is a land of extremes. It is the edge of the Earth—harsh yet fragile, alluring yet unforgiving. It has the potential to enrich, but only at great cost. The Arctic has beckoned and killed, demanding sacrifices for every concession it grants to humanity. It took centuries for mankind to describe this land, and only recently have we begun to seriously study and understand it. We have realized how rich this region is and how vulnerable it can be. Now, we must learn to live in harmony with the North, and only then can we truly say that the richest part of the planet has been mastered by humankind. Key aspects that help us understand this region: Geography Arctic Ocean: The smallest and shallowest ocean on Earth, surrounded by continents including North America, Eurasia, and Greenland. Territories: Includes parts of Canada, the USA (Alaska), Russia, Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Iceland. Glaciers and Ice: Occupies a large portion of the region, including permafrost and multi-year sea ice. Climate Cold: The Arctic is characterized by extremely low temperatures, especially during winter. Summer temperatures can be slightly higher but remain low overall. Polar Day and Night: The Arctic experiences polar days (when the sun does not set during the summer) and polar nights (when the sun does not rise during the winter). Ecosystem Wildlife: Includes animals such as polar bears, seals, walruses, Arctic foxes, and various species of seabirds. Whales, like narwhals and belugas, also inhabit the region. Vegetation: Tundra plants, including mosses, lichens, shrubs, and some grasses. In the summer, flowering plants appear. Economy Resources: The Arctic is rich in natural resources such as oil, gas, minerals, and rare earth elements. Resource exploration and extraction are significant parts of the region's economy. Navigation: Changes in ice cover are opening up new maritime routes, such as the Northern Sea Route, which could significantly reduce shipping times between Europe and Asia. Scientific Research Climate Studies: The Arctic plays a key role in the global climate system, and research in this region helps us understand global climate processes. Environmental Studies: Assessing the impact of climate change on ecosystems and wildlife. Politics and Rights Territorial Disputes: Several countries lay claims to parts of the Arctic, leading to international disputes and negotiations. Agreements: There are international agreements, such as the Arctic Strategy and the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, which regulate activities in the Arctic and environmental protection. The Arctic is not only a strategically important region but also a unique ecosystem with rich biodiversity and a complex climate system.