The Russian Arctic National Park stretches across the vast expanses of the Arkhangelsk region, more precisely on Novaya Zemlya, which was circumnavigated in 1596 by Willem Barents, and whose eastern coast became his wintering place – despite the fact that the northern latitudes have long been considered a true mystery, filled with dangers. However, today the island is quite safe and inhabited by people, and since 2009, the Russian Arctic National Park has been established here. The park covers a truly colossal area – the total area reaches about 1,426,000 hectares. As a result, even the most famous natural areas in the world cannot compare with the Russian Arctic. Compared to these places, the famous African Air and Ténéré will seem relatively small, and the impressive American Yellowstone will appear as just a dot on the map. Of course, the Russian Arctic includes the northern part of Severny Island of the Novaya Zemlya archipelago, as well as the Big and Small Oransky Islands, Loshkin Island, Ghemstkerk Island, and a number of other territories, including, more recently, the Franz Josef Land Nature Reserve. This place is steeped in northern romance, which attracts researchers, scientists, and adventurous tourists. There is so much to see here – real glaciers, capes with towering mountains above them, occupied by flocks of birds, and endless plains with a mass of amazing plants – for example, fields of poppies. The Russian Arctic takes on a special charm during the short northern summer, when plants turn their leaves to the polar sun, with over 64 species found here. The diverse shapes and sizes of saxifrages – amazing flowers that seem to have rooted in northern stones – are of particular interest. The Russian Arctic amazes its guests not only with its views and magical flora but also with its rich fauna – its vast areas have become home to a variety of exotic animals, including polar bears, walruses, seals, Greenland seals, arctic foxes, and even reindeer. Many tourists come here not only to feel like pioneers (and they certainly will, since there is no permanent population in the Russian Arctic) but also to observe the lives of the rarest animals and birds. Moreover, this area is the most frequent meeting place for Greenland whales, and it is also their habitat. So the splash of a giant fluke hitting the water can be considered a common sight. Among the particularly rare animals and those listed in the Red Book, in the waters of the Russian Arctic, near the Franz Josef Land Reserve, one can encounter real marine unicorns – narwhals. Alongside all this splendor, the national park is also a destination for witnessing one of the most beautiful spectacles in the world – the Northern Lights. Recently, the park administration has turned its attention to tourism and even created interesting cruises during which rare species of animals in the national park can be observed and photographed. These tours are organized by major tour operators. Such trips last about 12 days. Of course, they are not cheap – starting at 300,000 rubles. However, there are other more affordable ways to get to Novaya Zemlya: first – a trip from Arkhangelsk to the national park on a sailing yacht; second – by working in the park. Expedition teams are gathered quite often, and you can find out how to become a member on the official page of the Russian Arctic.