In ancient Russia, the mouth, eyes, and ears were considered "gates" for evil spirits. Ears were protected with amulets—earrings, eyes were lowered, and kisses held deep ritual meaning. Kissing the ground meant swearing by Mother Earth, and later, it became customary to kiss the cross and icons as a sign of reverence. The Orthodox Church strictly regulated family relations. Kisses with erotic undertones were condemned. If a priest found out during confession about such "defilement" of a wife, he could impose a fast of up to 20 days as punishment. The "lustful kiss" was called Tatar because during the Mongol-Tatar invasion, invaders would grab girls and kiss them on the lips. However, under European influence during the reign of Peter the Great, attitudes towards this previously forbidden ritual changed. The European nobility's custom was first adopted by aristocrats, while the common people took longer to get used to the new tradition. It was at that time that the kiss became "French."